
Battle for Oz: Pirates

Created by Pirate Press LLC

A role playing game book and sequel to the successful Battle for Oz RPG.

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It’s about that time!
about 1 year ago – Tue, Nov 28, 2023 at 06:32:29 AM

BOOKS: A few updates have been made to the Core Book over the past two months while you guys have been reviewing the PDF. The final versions of both, the full color cover core book and the alternate sketch cover Kickstarter core book are finalized and ready to be uploaded to drivethruRPG. My layout artist is adding the last few completed images to the Gamemaster Handbook this week. That said, as soon as the GM Handbook is ready to be uploaded to drivethru, I will begin shipping books. Battle for Oz: Pirates for the holidays!! 

PHYSICAL STRETCH GOALS: Ive already got the Oz dice ready to ship. I will be ordering the cards and bennies this month. It’s my hope that I can have all of the physical stretch goals out by the end of January but that will be a fluid process as I will be packaging all of the those goodies and shipping them out all by myself. 

A few final art adds for the GM Handbook. 

OZ Skyvine
ZOG the Terrible

over 1 year ago – Mon, Jul 31, 2023 at 06:23:21 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Just waiting on the PDF, AND A NEW MAP!! (I love maps...)
over 1 year ago – Sat, Jul 15, 2023 at 01:01:18 PM

As reported, the the book is done, I am just waiting on the PDF. My amazing layout artist just came off vacation on the 14th so I am hoping to get an uploadable book by Monday or Tuesday.

More than one backer has asked me about the option to play Battle for Oz using the new Savage Worlds Adventure Edition, BEFORE the events of Seafall and the rise of the Oz Pirates from 116 ADA to present. 

I am happy to announce that I am working on a short but hopefully complete set of conversion notes that I plan to add to the end of the core book as an Appendix A. It will give GM's and players the information they need to play the original setting (written for the Deluxe Version of Savage Worlds) but converted into SWADE (Savage Worlds Adventure Edition).  I don't know why anyone would want to play an RPG WITHOUT pirates, but NO JUDGEMENTS, these conversation notes will make it easy to play Battle for Oz using both the new Core Book and the original setting. 

I have created a new map of Oz based off the Pirates map but backdated without ports or other geographical changes that occurred after Seafall in 116 ADA (2016 our time). 

The Book is complete.
over 1 year ago – Wed, Jul 05, 2023 at 08:18:16 AM

Its been an incredibly long, slow, and challenging process but the core book is complete. Both covers have been completed and the layout is complete. 

 I will be releasing the core book as a PDF to ALL BACKERS through DRIVETHRURPG with the alternate sketch cover variant. While you guys and gals are reading, playing, and giving me feedback on all my mistakes, I will be working hard to complete the final art for the GM Handbook as the layout is being completed.  Once I feel that the layout, grammar, game design needs no more tweeking, I will start shipping books.

I cannot for the life of me find the list I started of Kickstarter name changes, so if you want your name to appear in the books Kickstarter list differently than is is listed on the Backer Report Ive downloaded from Kickstarter- Please list it HERE or if you prefer, email [email protected] with the subject line - KICKSTARTER LIST NAME CHANGE. 

Ive said this a thousand times but Ill say it again, I want to thank all my backers for the input, patience, and support. I hate that it took so long to get to print from the date of the completed Kickstarter. Covid was of course the initial setback but I have had to pivot around several others including but not limited to finding a new layout artist. I plan to have the next book ready for print before my next Kickstarter. Doing it that way is always a leap of faith but the stress of trying to put this together over the past two years has been taxing. 

Please email me your thoughts on the book ([email protected]), what you think I could have done better, or what you like about it. I have thick skin and want to learn and become a better publisher.  I'm exited to hear your feedback-


The Core book is days away.
over 1 year ago – Mon, May 22, 2023 at 12:27:24 PM

I have gotten an update from my layout artist, he is finalizing the last art adds and told me it should be done within the week. I have created an alternate piece of art for a ’special edition sketch cover’ that will only be available to Kickstarter backers. As always, email me at [email protected] with any questions.
