
Battle for Oz: Pirates

Created by Pirate Press LLC

A role playing game book and sequel to the successful Battle for Oz RPG.

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over 4 years ago – Sat, Jul 11, 2020 at 05:00:47 AM

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over 4 years ago – Thu, Jul 09, 2020 at 08:33:31 PM

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Oh yea, Arcknight Figure Flats are coming!
over 4 years ago – Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 06:56:15 PM

I have worked it out with the awesome team at Arcknight to create Oz figure flats! I will still be creating a standard Oz figure flat downloadable pdf through drivethrurpg, but I will be sending some of the the same flats to Arcknight. I will be taking preorders of both in the add-on section of Backerkit when it goes live. I will be putting a list of characters together for the downloadable PDF through drivethrurpg and it will likely be $10.00 and include about 35 characters/monsters and another 30+ NPC flats. The Arcknight page will incude 24 (front and back) medium sized characters, 2 large wide characters, and 2 large tall characters, and will likely be priced at $20. If your not familiar with Arcknigght figure flats, they have perfected a process that allows them to print high quality color art of characters on durable clear plastic inserted into clear bases. They look amazing on a table and are truly the next best thing to a 3d mini! You can see thier products on thier website here, 

An example of Arcknights Pirates figure flats, available on their website.

There is a small caviat, Arcknight needs a minimum order to justify the setup costs. I plan on covering the bulk of that order so that I can have some on hand product for cons and shows but If you are interested, please pre-order through Backerkit so I can have an idea of actual intrest. As always, if you have any questions- let me know!


Dear Contributor Backer's,
over 4 years ago – Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 10:52:10 AM

So while I'm waiting on Kickstarter to do their thing, I would like to start working on the new content. If you are getting this update, you are one of my Contributor Backers and have pledged to create an NPC or an Oz creature.  Tell me about what you are thinking, email me your ideas at [email protected]. Remember, you can craft the likeness of your NPC to look like you, your brother, your wife, ANYONE! If you are designing a creature, it can be one that you made up or one based on L. Frank Baum’s ideas. Remember, only the books written by Baum himself are in the public domain. You can even have your creature look like a favorite pet!

An example of a backers Creature submission from Battle for Oz.
My wife, Brandy, modeled Dorothy Gale for me.

If you have any questions let me know. I look forward to seeing what you have in mind!


over 4 years ago – Mon, Jun 22, 2020 at 06:05:55 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.